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Rm. N-411, House of Representatives, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
+63 2 931 5497, +63 2 931 5001 local 7370

(Delivered by Rep. Edcel C. Lagman on the blessing of the New Legislative Building, Tiwi, Albay on 31 August 2021)

Honorable Mayor Jaime C. Villanueva; Honorable Vice Mayor Jose Morel C. Climaco; Honorable Members of the Sangguinang Bayan of Tiwi, Albay; Reverend Father Jose Chavenia, Jr.; members of the family of the late Honorable Vice Mayor David C. Beato, other municipal officials and personnel, guests, ladies and gentlemen, Dios marhay na aga saindo gabos.

Rep. Edcel C. Lagman of the First District of Albay has assured the reconstruction and repair of the roofing of the St. John the Baptist Parish Church in Tabaco City which was ripped off on November 1, 2020 by Super Typhoon Rolly.

If there is any group of leaders who can easily learn and take to heart adaptive and innovative leadership, it is certainly the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation Officers.

Your youth and enthusiasm make you more receptive to new ideas and original ways of doing things. Your willingness to think outside the box makes you yearn to learn new things, come up with novel solutions to everyday problems, and find a practical implementation of your new-found knowledge to serve your constituents better.

With the view of the majestic Mayon Volcano sitting like a regal queen on her throne; both fine white and volcanic black sand beaches lining its shoreline; mysterious caves dotting its cliffs and coasts and waterfalls cascading down mountainsides; fertile soils with the potential of yielding an abundance of natural produce; and seas teeming with fish and other marine life, the Province of Albay is known for its wondrous natural beauty and amazing bio-diversity.