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I am making this short manifestation to express my profound gratitude to all of those who contributed in various ways to the approval of the Absolute Divorce Bill on third and final reading.

Let me first thank the leadership of the House under the stewardship of Speaker Martin Romualdez for allowing the Members to cast a conscience vote. The collective conscience of the House has spoken loud and clear: Enact the Absolute Divorce Law now!

Likewise, I would like to thank Majority Leader Manuel “Mannix” Dalipe for complying with his commitment that the Absolute Divorce Bill will be called for second and third reading before we adjourn sine die today.

My earnest thanks also go to the almost 80 co-authors of the bill who have remained steadfast in their support.

May I also thank the other Members of the House, who despite not being co-authors, fully supported the bill and even solicited affirmative votes.

Let me also thank the Chairman of the Committee on Population and Family Relations the Hon. Ian Paul Dy, as well as the staff of the Committee for their continuing stewardship of the bill.

Special thanks also go to my congressional staff members for their invaluable research and enduring support.

Finally, my unending gratitude to the thousands of women advocates who worked hard for the passage of the Absolute Divorce Bill. Their representatives trooped to the House and attended daily the sessions for several months in order to show their unwavering support for the bill.

To those who opposed the measure, I truly respect their differing views based on religious belief, fear of their bishops and pastors, following the preference of their constituents, apprehension of reprisals at the polls, and in order not to displease their respective spouses.

I am happy to note that these objections do not go into the merits, legality, and efficacy of the absolute divorce bill.

Starting tomorrow, we shall begin our campaign in the Senate so that its counterpart measure which has long been ripe for plenary deliberation shall similarly be passed favorably.

Once again thanks to one and all.